Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Brothers Comatose, Poi Dog Pondering, Citizen Cope. 1.22.14

Our mission is simpleEvery week, we feature 3 bands that matterEnjoy. 

January 22, 2014

 The Brothers Comatose 

The Bro Co at Mississippi Studios

These guys are a lot of fun.  Bluegrass music at it's finest - a bit Mumford-y...banjos, harmonies, energy.  They tour around the country in a beater old van with a huge mustache on the front grille...known for tossing inflatable alligators into the crowd.  Their music sounds and feels great - like comfort food for your ears.
Selected YouTube Videos:
The Brother's Facebook Page
Tour Dates

  Poi Dog Pondering  

Frank Orrall is the svengali behind Poi Dog Pondering.  Born in Hawaii, Frank formed PDP in Austin almost 30 years ago, then re-formed the band years later in Chicago.  Their eccentric geography has helped shape their music which is a very sexy, highly dance-able, somewhat hypnotic blend of funky luscious sound, often combining dreamy visual elements and a huge ensemble of musicians.

PDP's Facebook Page

Tour Dates They aren't so good at keeping their tour date page up to date...try their Facebook page or the bandsintown app on your smartphone as well.

 Citizen Cope 

OK, we know virtually everyone knows him, but we just can't get enough Citizen Cope.  It's hard to believe that Clarence Greenwood (Cope's real name) is the brother of the Republican party's favorite country cornball crooner Lee Greenwood, 'cause Cope is arguably the coolest and most soulful white performer to appear on stage in 20 years or more...his songs RESONATE.  Fusing a 'lil hip-hop into stripped down guitar and powerful, personal lyrics - there's really nobody else like him.  A couple years ago we saw him play at Eric Clapton's Crossroads Guitar Festival and Sheryl Crow was doing some background vocals, and I was struck by how she was looking at him, enraptured like a lovesick 8th grade girl, but then I noticed that every girl in the crowd had the same expression. 
Selected YouTube Videos:
Facebook Page
Tour Dates!/tour

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